More information will be provided to those who are rostered on a team after tryouts.
The WHS Boys Feeder Basketball program is a non-profit organization with the mission of providing an environment for players to develop basketball skills, build teamwork, and enjoy the game, while also encouraging and preparing them for WHS basketball.
The WHS Boys Feeder Basketball Program is for boys in 5th through 8th grade who will be attending Wheeling High School.
Tryouts for the regular basketball season are typically in mid to late October. Exact dates for tryouts will be updated on this website, our Instagram page, and an email with tryout information will go to anyone who has registered with us.
Our goal is to have as many teams as possible. However, depending on how many kids tryout determines how many teams we can have. We are also limited to the amount of gym time and space that is available to us. As our program grows, we may need to make cuts.
Our goal is to have two teams per grade level but this will depend on skill level and how many people tryout.
The number of kids per team can vary depending on skill level and how many kids tryout. Our goal is to have 10-12 players per team to plan for illnesses and conflicts. Ideally, 8-10 will suit up per game.
Anyone interested in trying out will need to register on the Wheeling Feeder website prior to the tryout dates. The registration link for tryouts will be available as soon as tryout dates are finalized. For tryouts, you will need to wear appropriate basketball attire as well as bring your own water bottle and basketball.
Yes. Everyone must tryout each year.
It is crucial to make it to the tryouts in order to evaluate the skill level of all the kids amongst the group. However, if you have a major conflict (e.g. pre-booked vacation, wedding, priority school event, etc.) and aren’t able to attend either day of tryouts, contact whsboysfeeder@gmail.com.
We would like everyone to make both days of tryouts if possible.
Evaluations are conducted by the Wheeling Feeder Coaching Staff and the Wheeling Feeder Directors.
The season usually runs from around November 1st until March 15th (give or take a couple weeks).
Practices are usually at Wheeling High School. From time to time, we may practice at local park district gyms in the area. Games are played all throughout the suburbs of Chicago but again, we try our best to keep games close and no more than an hour away from Wheeling.
We usually have two weeknight practices per week between Monday and Thursday. We generally play two games on either Saturday or Sunday. Game schedules fluctuate per grade level but teams should expect to play at least 12-14 games (6-7 weekends) over the course of the season. We will have a season ending tournament in March and we try to enter at least one other tournament in January/February.
Tentatively $400-$500 per player (depending on how many players/teams we have).
We understand fall sports are still in session but once completed we fully expect players to place our program as a priority above all other activities with the exception of school work, family obligations and middle school basketball. We ask that you do your best to avoid conflicts as our practice schedule is set for the entire season and extremely difficult to change. I am sure you will agree that it is only fair to your son, his teammates and his coaches that he is dedicated and committed. Playing time will not be equal but everyone will play a fair amount.
Have more questions? Click on the Contact Us tab!